Shallow Thoughts : tags : user interface
Akkana's Musings on Open Source Computing and Technology, Science, and Nature.
Sun, 09 Oct 2011
A group of us were commiserating about that widely-reviled
feature, Google Instant. That's the thing that refreshes your Google
search page while you're still typing, so you always feel like you
have to type reallyreallyfasttofinishyourquerybeforeitupdates.
Google lets you turn off Instant -- but only if you let them set and
remember your cookies, meaning they can also track you across the web.
Isn't there a more privacy-preserving way to get a simple Google
page that doesn't constantly change as you change your search query?
Disable Instant
It turns out there is. Just add complete=0
to your search
How do you do that? Well, in Firefox, I search in the normal URL bar.
No need for a separate search field taking up space in the browser window;
any time you type multiple terms (or a space followed by a single term)
in Firefox's URLbar, it appends your terms to whatever you have set as
the keyword.URL preference.
So go to about:config and search for keyword, then double-click on
keyword.URL and make sure it's something like
Or if you want to make sure it won't be overridden,
find your
Firefox profile, edit user.js (create it if you don't have one
already), and add a line like:
user_pref("keyword.URL", "");
Show only pages matching the search terms
I use a slightly longer query, myself:
user_pref("keyword.URL", ""
Adding allintext: as the first word in any search query tells
Google not to show pages that don't have the search terms as part of
the page. You might think this would be the default ... but The Google
Works in Mysterious Ways and it is Not Ours to Question.
Disable Instant Previews
Finally, just recently Google has changed their search page again to
add a bunch of crap down the right side of the page which, if you
accidentally mouse on it, loads a miniature preview of the page over on
your sidebar. You have to be very careful with your mouse not to have
stuff you might not be interested in popping up all the time.
A moment's work with Firebug gave me the CSS classes I needed to hide.
Edit chrome/userContent.css in your Firefox profile (create it
if you don't already have one) and add this rule:
/* Turn off the "instant preview" annoying buttons in google search results */
.vspib, .vspii { display: none !important; }
Really, it's a darn shame that Google has gone from its origins as a
clean, simple website to something like Facebook with things popping
up all over that users have to bend over backward to disable.
But that seems to be the way of the web.
Good thing browsers are configurable!
Tags: firefox, mozilla, web, google, annoyances, user interface
22:31 Oct 09, 2011
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Fri, 30 Sep 2011
So everybody's complaining about that new Facebook ticker. You know,
the thing that sits on the right sidebar and constantly and distractingly
updates with stupid stuff you don't care about and wouldn't be able to
click on quickly enough even if you tried.
My mom forwarded me a link to a neat page she'd seen with instructions on
removing the ticker using Adblock Plus.
A good idea -- I hadn't thought about using Adblock, though it does
seem obvious in retrospect.
But I don't currently have Adblock installed in the profile I use for
Facebook -- I keep Facebook separate from my everyday browsing,
since I don't want Facebook tracking all the other sites I visit.
Could I do the same thing with userContent.css?
It turned out to be quite easy. Copying the exact pattern didn't work,
but a minute or two with Firebug told me the CSS class of the ticker.
I edited chrome/userContent.css in my profile. If you don't
have one already, just look for userContent-example.css and create
a new file in the same directory without the -example part, named
just userContent.css. I added this line:
.tickerOnTop { display: none !important; }
Restart firefox, and presto! No more ticker.
Tags: web.firefox, mozilla, annoyances, user interface
21:58 Sep 30, 2011
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Tue, 24 Nov 2009
![[alternate google logo]](
A friend wanted help figuring out why suddenly she was seeing a
different Google page -- one with a logo that was less 3-dimensional,
no drop shadow, and the search text field was in difficult-to-read
colors. It was only on one machine, and nobody else she knew was
seeing this new page. Was this some sort of Firefox bug? Did I know
how she could get back to the old, easier to read Google page?
Fortunately she knew about Firefox's "View page info" menu item
(right-click on the page to get it) and used the Media tab there
to discover that the logo she was seeing was:
Asking around and googling for things like google logo change
or google different search page
got me nowhere.
It wasn't anything to do with disabling cookies or Javascript -- I
tried turning those both off but still didn't see the page she saw
(though turning off JS did get rid of the annoying fade-in effect
Google started using recently).
Running out of ideas, I Googled for the filename of the logo she was seeing:
logo "logo1w.png"
and that turned out to be the answer.
I found discussions on
which led me to articles on
Roundtable and
Engine Land
comparing Google's UI to jazz (you never know what you're going to get next).
Following links eventually led me to an article on the official
Googlblog, explaining how
chooses random users as guinea pigs for trying out new user interfaces.
Unfortunately, none of these articles gave a clue how my friend could
opt out of being a guinea pig and get back to a page where the search
box colors didn't hurt her eyes.
But it turned out that it's cookie based. So if you find yourself
stuck with a Google test page you don't like:
Delete all your Google cookies.
That did the trick for my friend, and got her back the standard interface.
The Googleblog article (which is full of interesting facts, as
Googleblog articles often are) also led me to suggest another tip to
her. Apparently a lot of this UI testing is based on how long it takes
users to type their query into the search bar. So if you get selected
as a test subject and you really dislike the UI they're showing you,
typing very slowly might be a way to make it clear that this UI is
not working out for you.
Tags: google, user interface
16:03 Nov 24, 2009
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Tue, 07 Apr 2009
Today's award concerns clarity of error messages.
My desktop machine has been getting flakier for a week or two.
Strange messages at boot, CDROM drive unable to burn reliably or
verify after burning, and finally it culminated in a morning where
it wouldn't boot at all. Turned out (after much experimentation)
to be not one but two bad IDE cables -- and these were the
snazzy expensive heavy-duty cables, not the cheap ribbon cables,
in a box that hadn't been opened for months. Weird.
Anyway, since I had the system disk out anyway (to recover data from
it) I left it out, migrated my data to the newer, bigger disk and
installed a new Ubuntu Intrepid.
Been meaning to do that anyway -- running two disks just adds to the
noise, heat and power usage and doesn't really add that much speed.
It took a couple of hours to get the system working the way I want it
-- installing things I need, like tcsh, vim, emacs, plucker, vlc, sox
etc. and cleaning up some of the longstanding Ubuntu udev and kernel
configuration bugs that keep various hardware from working.
I thought I had everything ready when I noticed I wasn't getting
any sound alerts, so I tried playing a sample .wav file, and got
a rather unusual error:
(clavius)- play sample.wav
ALSA lib confmisc.c:768:(parse_card) cannot find card '0'
ALSA lib conf.c:3513:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_card_driver returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib confmisc.c:392:(snd_func_concat) error evaluating strings
ALSA lib conf.c:3513:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_concat returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1251:(snd_func_refer) error evaluating name
ALSA lib conf.c:3513:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:3985:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib pcm.c:2196:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default
play soxio: Can't open output file `default': cannot open audio device
What does that mean?
Well, it turns out what it means is ... my user wasn't in the
"audio" group, so I didn't have write permission on the sound device.
I added myself to "audio" in /etc/groups and sound worked fine in my
next session.
Now, I've seen some fairly obscure error messages in my time,
but this one may just win my all-time obscurity award. 9 lines and 744
characters to say "Can't open $device."
And with all that, it still managed
to omit the one piece of information that might have been helpful:
the name of the device it was trying to open (so that an ls -l
would have told me the problem right away).
Tags: linux, alsa, user interface, humor
14:23 Apr 07, 2009
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Sat, 14 Mar 2009
When I upgraded to Ubuntu Intrepid recently, I pulled in a newer GTK+,
version 2.14.4. And when I went to open a file in GIMP, I got a surprise:
my "bookmarks" were no longer visible without scrolling down.
In the place where the bookmarks used to be, instead was a list of ...
what are those things? Oh, I see ... they're all the filesystems
listed with "noauto" in my /etc/fstab --the filesystems that
aren't mounted unless somebody asks for them, typically by plugging
in some piece of hardware.
There are a lot of these. Of course there's one for the CDROM drive
(I never use floppies so at some point I dropped that entry).
I have another entry for Windows-formatted partitions that show up on
USB, like when I plug in a digital camera or a thumb drive.
I also have one of those front panel flash card readers with 4 slots,
for reading SD cards, memory sticks, compact flash, smart media etc.
Each of those shows up as a different device,
so I treat them separately and mount SD cards as /sdcard,
memory sticks as /stick and so on.
In addition, there are entries corresponding to
other operating systems installed on this multi-boot machine, and
to several different partitions on my external USB backup drive.
These are all listed in /etc/fstab with entries like this:
/dev/hdd /cdrom udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
/dev/sde1 /pix vfat rw,user,fmask=133,noauto 0 0
The GTK developers, in their wisdom, have realized that what the file
selector really needs to be.
I mean, I was just thinking while opening a file in GIMP the other day,
"Browsing image files on filesystems that are actually mounted
is so tedious.
I wish I could do something else instead, like view my /etc/fstab file
to see a list of unmounted filesystems for which I might decide to
plug in an external device."
Clicking on one of the unmounted filesystems (even right-clicking!)
gives an error:
Could not mount sdcard
mount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist
So I guess the intent is that I'll plug in my external drive or camera,
then use the gtk file selector from a program like GIMP as the means to
mount it. Um ... don't most people already have some way of mounting
new filesystems, whether it's an automatic mount from HAL or typing
in a terminal?
(And before you ask, yes, for the time being I have dbus and hal and
fam and gamin and all that crap running.)
The best part
But I haven't even told you the best part yet. Here it is:
If you mount a filesystem manually, e.g. mount /dev/sdb1
it doesn't show up in the list!
So this enormous list of filesystems that's keeping me from seeing
my file selector bookmarks ... doesn't even include filesystems that
are really there!
Tags: gtk, user interface, humor, linux
12:59 Mar 14, 2009
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Mon, 08 Sep 2008
Among Firefox 3's whizzy new features, compared to Firefox 2, is the
drag images. If you drag from anywhere in the browser, instead of
getting the little cursor-sized drag image following the cursor, you
get a preview -- sometimes even a full-sized copy -- of what you're
It's really startling and neat and whizzy looking. Except ...
when you're dragging and you have this large very pretty, and very
opaque, image under your mouse,
you can no longer see whatever should be under the image --
like the tab where you're trying to drop it.
After two or three weeks of never being able to drag a URL to another
tab to open it there (I kept guessing where the tab was, guessing
wrong and having it open as a new tab) I went exploring.
Fortunately it turns out they've provided an easy way to turn it off.
Go to about:config and search for "drop". Find the line for
nglayout.enable_drag_images and double-click it.
Or add this line to your user.js or prefs.js:
user_pref("nglayout.enable_drag_images", false);
Tags: firefox, mozilla, user interface
20:21 Sep 08, 2008
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Fri, 04 Jul 2008
I finally broke down and spent the time to get Firefox 3 working
properly for me ... meaning, mostly, finding replacement extensions
for the bare minimum of what I need in a browser: control over cookies
(specifically, enabling/disabling them for specific sites),
flashblock, and blocking of animated images. I'd downloaded extensions
for all those a few weeks ago, but I found that although Firefox 3.0
said the FF3 extensions were active, and Firefox 2 said the old ones
were, neither set actually worked.
I decided to start from scratch: remove all extensions --
rm -rf .mozilla/firefox/extensions/* .mozilla/firefox/extensions.*
plus apt-get remove firefox-2-dom-inspector
then install a new set of Firefox 3 add-ons.
After much hunting
(I sure wish
would offer a way to limit the view to only extensions that work with
Firefox 3! Combing through 15 pages of extensions looking for the
handful that will actually install gets old fast) I found the
replacements I needed:
CS Lite for the cookie controls,
a newer Flashblock,
and Custom Toolbar Buttons as a stopgap for image animation
(though I suspect updating anidisable will be a better solution
in the long run). This time, with the old firefox 2 extensions purged,
the new ones took hold and worked.
I also added a nice extension called OpenBook that fixes the horrible
Firefox "Add bookmark" dialog. You know: the one that has two nearly
identical dropdown category menus side by side, with the bigger one
giving you only a tiny subset of your bookmark categories, and the
smaller one being the real one. The one that doesn't offer a space for
keyword, so to set up a bookmarklet you have to Add Bookmark, OK,
Organize Bookmarks, find the bookmark you just added, Ctrl-I to
get the Bookmark info dialog, and finally you can add your
keyword. OpenBook gives you a dialog where you can set the keyword
to begin with, and it only gives you one menu to list categories
so you aren't constantly tempted to click on the wrong one.
Now for the urlbar -- that new firefox 3 "smarter" urlbar that slows
down typing in the middle of a word so it can pop up a big fancy
window full of guesses (all wrong) about where I might be trying to
go. Actually, even if the guesses were right, it wouldn't help,
because I'd have to stop typing, search the list visually, then if
one of the suggestions was right, move my hand to the mouse or the
arrow keys to choose that suggestion. That takes way longer than just
typing the url.
But I guess I don't mind unhelpful suggestions popping up as long as
it doesn't mess up focus (preventing me from clicking or tabbing to
other apps on my screen) or slow down typing. Firefox 3 seems to be
handling the focus issue better than firefox 2 did, but the slowdown
was quite noticeable on the poor old laptop. So I wanted a way to
disable the behavior. A little googling revealed that the Firefox crew
immodestly calls their new urlbar the "awesomebar", which aside from
giggle factor also proves quite useful in googling: a search on
disable awesomebar reveals that I'm not the only one who doesn't
like it, and got me several preferences
I could tweak in about:config plus a couple of extensions to
turn it off entirely. I won't try to summarize, since the best
settings depend on your machine's spec, plus personal preference.
Making progress! Now the only issue was getting my urlbar tweaks working,
so that typing <Ctrl-Return> after typing a URL opened the URL in a new
tab instead of tacking on various silly extensions (oh, yes, of course
I wanted to go to http://www.firefox disable
rather than googling for those terms in a new tab).
Fortunately, it turned out that the javascript that runs the urlbar
has changed very little since firefox 2, and I hardly needed to change
anything to get my
kitfox extension (v. 0.2)
working in Firefox 3.
Only one more issue: this blog. The CSS that handles the right sidebar
wasn't displaying right. Seems that Firefox 2 has changed something
about its interpretation of CSS, so it was floating the right sidebar
way down to the bottom of the page below the last content line.
Eventually (after adding firefox-3.0-dom-inspector,
another extension that had stopped working in the transition)
I discovered the problem: the #content was set to width: 77%
while the #rightsidebar's left-margin was at 76%. Apparently Firefox 2
rounded up as needed, whereas Firefox 3 just ignores the left-margin
if it would overlap the content, and then floats the sidebar anywhere
it thinks it can fit it. Fixing those percentages helped quite a bit,
and I added an overflow-x: hidden (on a tip from a helpful person in
#firefox) so that wide calendar doesn't hurt layout for narrow windows.
I think it's working now ... any readers having problems with the
layout in any browser, by all means let me know.
Tags: mozilla, firefox, user interface, css, bookmarklets
12:04 Jul 04, 2008
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Sat, 12 Apr 2008
I've been helping out with an extracurricular GIMP class that a
local Linux and free software advocate, Christian Einfeldt,
has organized at a middle school in San Francisco.
The class meets on a Saturday once or twice a month, so there's plenty
of time to forget things between sessions, and most of the kids don't
have a lot of prior computer experience (I'm told many of them are
behavior problems or otherwise "at risk", but I sure wouldn't have
guessed that from their exemplary behavior in class.)
Despite the obstacles, the kids have
learned some impressive image editing skills in a very short time!
Lots of them have figured out how to set their Edubuntu desktop background;
I've seen abstract patterns, photographs decorated in various ways
(today one girl was painting a mouth, hair and jewelry on a photograph
of a chimpanzee's face, and it came out looking very funny), photos
of the students themselves pasted into exotic locales, and so on.
It's also an interesting exercise for me in seeing what
beginning users find difficult to understand and what aspects
of GIMP's user interface are difficult to explain.
An additional challenge is that this classroom
has no projector or centrally visible screen. So you can't just
demonstrate how something works; everything must be explained slowly
in words while the students follow along with each step, and then
we have to go through the room helping students as they try to
remember the steps.
One of the first tasks they take on is combining images: start with
a photo of themselves, or of an animal or car, select it and paste it
into another image. What's the easiest way of explaining selection of
arbitrary shapes?
Which method can be explained in less than a minute, and yet they'll
remember how to do it after you leave and move on to the next student?
There are three obvious candidates for a general-purpose selection
tool: the intelligent scissors, the paths tool, and the quickmask.
We had a miscommunication in one of the early classes and didn't
discuss which technique to teach, so I taught some students the
paths tool while Christian was teaching others the iscissors.
I found that both methods had some serious problems.
With Bezier paths, it's easy to click points around your object.
Students get a little flustered the first few times they accidentally
drag rather than click and drag handles appear, but they can get over
that. The part that's difficult comes at the end, where they have to
click Path to Selection, then Feather as a separate step (they don't
need to feather the first time, but eventually they'll need it).
And then there's the problem that the path as well as the selection
remains visible, a distraction that they don't understand.
When I saw that Christian had been teaching some students the
iscissors while I was teaching others paths, I thought, gee, good
idea. Iscissors should be more straightforward, no? Well, no, as it
turns out. New students have great difficulty making an iscissors
selection. They're fine as long as they're clicking their points; the
problem comes when they get to the last point, when in order to make a
selection you must click carefully on your first point, then click
again inside the figure. A lot of students don't understand this no
matter how many times you explain: they don't remember which was their
first point (it doesn't look any different from the others), they
can't see it anyway (it usually doesn't contrast much with the image),
and they can't tell whether they clicked it successfully.
At that point they try to click inside the image and get a spurious
extra point -- and then they
panic and start clicking all over the place, ending up with a mess
that is (as far as I've been able to tell) unrecoverable. The only
fix is to toss out that figure and start over, but even that isn't
easy to do (click on another tool then back on the iscissors tool
button). Basically, the iscissors tool is far too confusing and most
students need to be personally walked through it at least three times
(some of them a lot more than that) before they get it.
Anyone who's read my writing on GIMP probably knows that I'm a
quickmask zealot. I'm a born again quickmask prophet: I used GIMP for
years without really understanding the quickmask, and when I finally
grokked it, it made a huge difference in ease of selection.
I sometimes joke that "the quickmask changed my life", and that's
hyperbole, or course; but it sure did change my GIMP editing.
People seem to fear the quickmask so I usually don't present it
first, but maybe I should. These students are very eager and competent
at painting, and I think they'd take to the quickmask very easily
with far fewer stumbles than the other two methods have given them.
There's one other variant of shaped selection that I didn't list:
the lasso tool in add and subtract mode. The lasso tool is
terrifically hard to use to try to select a whole figure from
an image. You'd have to have a preternaturally steady hand, plus
you can't zoom in and scroll around since the whole figure has to
be completed in one movement. But what you can do is make a rough
selection with the lasso, understanding that you'll have some errors;
then alternate between Add mode and Subtract mode as you use the lasso
on smaller areas to get the selection just right. It's nearly as easy
as the quickmask, and doesn't require a big conceptual shift. The only
reason I'm leery is that I suspect the three modes would confuse a lot
of students -- especially since the mode buttons have no labels,
merely tooltips.
While I'm on the topic, there's another issue that gives the students
trouble besides selection: the floating selection that results from a
paste. There's really no way to explain to a schoolkid why it's there
(heck, maybe some day someone will explain that to me).
And it's useless to try to get them to keep their Layers dialogs
visible. (They don't even keep the toolbox visible most of the time;
it's always covered by image windows. Most of these Edubuntu machines
are working at 800x600 resolution, and there just isn't room on the
screen for the normal GIMP window collection.)
So I try to drill them that "Every time you paste, you have to find
the Layers window and click that button on the bottom left."
Understandably, they often forget that step, then get into trouble because
they can't see all their pasted layer, or some functions are greyed out.
Aside from selection and paste, the students seem to cope with GIMP
remarkably well. Some of them have been exploring the menus for fun
plug-ins, others are trying different patterns to make interesting
backgrounds, and one even discovered how to make interesting effects
with some of the specialized gradients. At the beginning I wondered
if teaching GIMP might not be too ambitious, and maybe something
simple like Tux Paint might be better. But GIMP is working out just
fine except for those few stumbling blocks.
The kids have a refreshing willingness to explore and try things, and
the result is a whole lot of really fun images.
Tags: gimp, education, user interface
23:44 Apr 12, 2008
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